Jon posted Jun 21 '21, 22:11:
I think I might be the only human on earth to not be able to get any sound from samplerbox or raspberry pi after 2 months of trying.
What am I doing wrong?
- I download + extract raspbian on sd 32gb sd card
- I pop it into RPi3B+ open terminal
- download samplerbox and extract
- Paste into terminal the manual codes from the github page to install
- Where they say there should be sound, there is none.
Which superhero is gong to make a step by step video of this, (if one doesn'T already exist) so we can follow along.
Jon posted Jun 21 '21, 22:29:
I should probably mention I did all the downloads directly off the raspberry pi.
Thanks to this wonderful community for any help!
HansEhv posted Jul 3 '21, 01:10:
Hi Jon,
Samplerbox as described usually is designed for a dedicated single user system (thus having root as user). You're working with a standard raspbian as user=pi, which does require some extra actions on the very brief guidelines you found on github. I won't go into this (sorry).
This ( site has a predefined image making life easy (see "Make it!" on the home page), but that does not support 3b+
You could have a look at
It's a forked version (thank you Joseph) with a 3b+ supporting image as well as some more docs+features and even an install video of "one of the humans who managed getting it to work" :-)
However, the only documented way is via a predefined image. Github users are supposed to know what they're doing...
So it may not be your cup of tea, up to you .. having dreams is worth treasuring :-)